1. Boycott
2. Tempura
3. Muumuu
4. Cynophilist
5. Lekach
6. Psittachosis (I spelled it wrong)
7. Homoousianism
Also had a lovely formal introduction and conversation with mister joe and miss leila, fellow spellers. Howdoyoudo.
January 25, 2011
in 1st,champion,spelling,spelling bee,victory
I’ve been going to Spelling Bee every week but 2 since the beginning of the year. Robert has won twice. I won 2nd place a few weeks ago.
Tonight was my night.
1st: can’t remember
2nd: duplicate
3rd: adventitious
4th: cromlech (I spelled it wrong but everyone also got out)
5th: ginkgo
6th: diptych
A diptych is like a triptych, but with 2 instead of 3. DUH.
-$10 gift certificate
-picture of me on the wall
-shirt that says I am champion (picture to come at later date, the only had xxlarges)
March 30, 2010
in champion,diptych,spelling bee,victory