Namedropper Songs

Barbara Streisand – Duck Sauce
Brian Wilson – Barenaked Ladies
Buddy Holly – Weezer
Clark Gable – Postal Service
Cheryl Tweedy – Lily Allen
Clint Eastwood – Gorillaz
David Duchovny – Bree Sharp
Frank Sinatra – Cake
Grace Kelly – Mika
Jackie & Wilson – Hozier
James K Polk – They Might Be Giants
Natalie Portman – Ozma
Oliver Cromwell – Monty Python
Paul Revere – Beastie Boys
Rosa Parks – Outkast
Sally Ride – Janelle Monae
Saskia Hamilton – Ben Folds and Nick Hornby
Shia LeBeouf – Rob Cantor
Steve McQueen – Sheryl Crow
Tautou – Brand New

May 16, 2015

in Music

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