1. Hug a panda (check)
2. Go to grad school for Linguistics (in process)
3. Hug Stephen Fry
4. Go on Jeopardy
5. Hug Grover
6. Win NPR Sunday Puzzle
7. Become Green Lantern
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May 6, 20111. Hug a panda (check)
2. Go to grad school for Linguistics (in process)
3. Hug Stephen Fry
4. Go on Jeopardy
5. Hug Grover
6. Win NPR Sunday Puzzle
7. Become Green Lantern
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May 6, 2011Things are not so bad. It’s odd, actually. I make plans in my head all the time, and when I was home for graduation parties my brother said he does the same, and even if its for small stupid things it ruins my day when it doesn’t happen. Right before I graduated I said that it was the end of the world, the photo album of the last week of school was ‘end of my life,’ and I meant it. [and then suddenly…]
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June 9, 2008