
Because of my last.fm account, I can see which music I listen to the most. Out of that I can cross out which musicians that I have not seen and who are not possible to see live (The Beatles, Elliott Smith, Neverhood Soundtrack, Traveling Wilburys, etc). I’ve skipped some I haven’t seen but could, because I’d really need to be in the gushy-mushy-lovey part of a relationship and have a boy to see Jack Johnson or Coldplay live, for example. I’ve been to a lot of good concerts, and I’m very grateful for that. See my PDX Concerts list if you’d like to be indie jealous. So if money were no object, and it’s a big object, this is who I would still like to see: [and then suddenly…]


December 21, 2011

in bands,beirut,cake,coldplay,concerts,coulton,dispatch,Fun.,janelle monae,Music,ozma,regina spektor,short list,the beatles,tmbg,weezer,weezma


May 18, 2010

in #20,Best Comics Ever,Monday Comic,ozma,Webcomic,weezer,weezma