


May 11, 2015

in #19,2015,art,Comic Books,superheroes



October 13, 2014

in #41,2014,Comic Books,food,Monday Comic,superheroes,Webcomic


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May 19, 2014

in #20,2014,Comic Books,Monday Comic,popsicle jokes,space,superheroes,Webcomic


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April 28, 2014

in #17,2014,Best Comics Ever,Comic Books,Monday Comic,popsicle jokes,superheroes,superman,Webcomic

1. The Amazing Spiderman (2012)

2. The Avengers (2012)

3. Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)

4. Thor (2011)

5. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (2010)

6. Iron Man (2008)

7. Batman Begins (2005)

8. Fantastic Four (2005)

9. V for Vendetta (2005)

10. X-2 (2003)

11. Spiderman (2002)

(listed chronologically)

Top 4: X-2, V for Vendetta, Scott Pilgrim vs The World, Batman Begins


August 31, 2012

in Autobiographical,batman,Comic Books,movie lists,Movies,nightcrawler,superheroes,v for vendetta,x-men

Batman: The Animated Series: Season 3: Episode 11: The Terrible Trio

What’s the episode about? Three rich bored guys are tired of hunting rare game from helicopters, so they start robbing people. They get caught after they rob from someone they know, steal a personal, easily identifiable object, and punch a man in a face leaving a perfect imprint of a rare ring. Amateur hour. One of the guys chloroforms his girlfriend when she finds out and immediately decides to put her unconscious body in a car and push it off a cliff. What a sweetheart. It’s alright.

When does this frame happen? Near the beginning, after Batman and Robin first encounter the Trio alone in an apartment building at night.

Why are you sharing it? Based on dialogue, it looks like their first robbery was the night Batman and Robin found them. They zip-line out the window straight onto a boat on a dock they’ve rigged to explode. They escape.  HOW DID THE NEWSPAPER HAVE PRISTINE IMAGES OF ALL THREE THE NEXT MORNING? Did they pose? Are these common masks? How did they know the bird was a vulture and not a hawk? How did they know it was a fox and not a wolf? Maybe the rich guys were so confident they sent their images to the newspaper. Absurd.

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June 20, 2012

in batman,children's television,Comic Books,superheroes,TV

(click to enlarge)

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June 18, 2012

in #25,2012,Comic Books,Monday Comic,superheroes,Webcomic

Batman: The Animated Series: Season 1: Episode 44: Off-Balance

What’s the episode about? It features an evil German man with a vertigo-inducing ray which Batman defeats by closing his eyes? It’s alright.

When does this frame happen? In the very last seconds of the episode.

Why are you sharing it? She’s a sultry spy with a sexy foreign accent… and a mustache like the janitor from Rocky and Bullwinkle.


June 14, 2012

in batman,children's television,Comic Books,superheroes,TV

Every Wednesday for the next few weeks, I will be sharing a screen capture from an episode of Batman: The Animated Series. I dearly love this show, and watched it as an impressionable child. Some of the frames are stunning, some have errors, and some are just odd. 

I don’t own these images and I’m not getting anything for this except happiness.  Please enjoy.

Batman: The Animated Series: Season 1: Episode 27: The Underdwellers

What’s the episode about? It’s about the Underdwellers (read: Morlocks), a society of orphan children who live under the harsh rule of a Fagan-type evil leader in the sewers of Gotham. The Sewer King lives underground (like the Rat King from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) owns trained alligators (like GI Joe’s Croc Master) and has an eyepatch (like Callisto, leader of the Morlocks). There is very inconsistent use of sunlight as both a painful punishment and later as a comfort for the children when they return to the surface. It is not a good episode.

When Does This Frame Happen? Towards the end of the episode, a child morlock swoops in and rescues another child morlock from the arms of The Sewer King (who looks like Captain Hook).

Why Are You Sharing It? Batman’s a pretty stoic guy, but because the kid just gave Batman the thumbs up, Batman mimics the gesture. It’s so unlike him. If it weren’t such a dark picture, it could be a meme.

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June 6, 2012

in batman,cartoons,children's television,Comic Books,superheroes,TV

(click to enlarge)


June 4, 2012

in #23,2012,batman,Comic Books,Monday Comic,Panda,pandas,superheroes,Webcomic